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Theory Test Handout  in PDF format click on "PDF" - You can download and print this pdf.








Anchorage Keyboard Teacher Association

Ribbon Festival Theory Testing Guidelines



Dear AKTA Members:


AKTA Theory Testing is a program that started in 2023 and is now included in all Ribbon Festival.  The AKTA Board decided that offering written theory testing at the Ribbon Festival would complete the learning experience already provided by the hands-on games.  The following lists of levels are organized around the Piano Adventures curriculum and these guidelines are intended to help teachers prepare their students for the testing.  Teachers will determine which testing level is appropriate for each of their students. 


We hope to see students enter in this new education endeavor for the Annual AKTA Ribbon Festival. If you have any questions feel free to reach out.

--AKTA Board


Level 1: Based on the Primer Level

-Musical Alphabet

-line or space

-recognition of skip or step on the staff

-time signatures (understanding how many beats per measure)

-note equivalency to 4/4 time

-note naming on the staff for the C 5-Finger Scale

-writing down counting in the given measures


Symbol Identification:

  • Notes: Quarter, Dotted Half, Whole Note and Half Note

  • Rests: Whole, Half and Quarter Rests

  • Dynamics: Piano and Forte

  • Double Bar-line and Repeat Sign

  • Treble and Bass Clef


Level 2:  Based on Level 1

-review of concepts from Level 1

-note naming for the C and G 5 Finger Scale

-interval recognition: 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, and 5ths

-identification on the keyboard diagram for Half and Whole Steps

-recognition of C and G 5 finger scale on the staff

-identification of the I and V7 chords

-slur and ties

-identification of sharp and flats

-identification of measure numbers




Level 3:  Based on Level 2A

-review from Level 1 and Level 2 concepts

-note identification with the A and D 5-Finger Scale

-interval identification of 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, and 5ths

-recognition of Harmonic versus Melodic Intervals

-enharmonic notes

-writing out the Whole and Half step patterns for major and minor 5-finger scales

-naming the 5-finger scale, and determining if it’s major or minor scale by drawn on the staff


Level 4: Based on 2B

-review of the music alphabet and concepts from previous tests

drawing notes for both the Treble and Bass Clef(either line or space) but the note name will be given. Accidentals may apply

-drawing quarter notes, dotted quarter note, eighth rest, and eighth notes(beamed and flag notes)

-draw a Treble or Bass clef and key signatures(G, C and F Major)

-writing in the counting but eighth rests are involved

-drawing bar lines on a staff, but measure’s aren’t there

-completing the measures by drawing a note or rest indicated in the measure

-musical math problem involving rests and notes

-drawing 1 octave scales in the Key of C, G and F Major plus identification and labeling of the Tonic, Dominant and Leading Tone in the scale


Level 5: Based on 3A

-review from previous tests

-ledger line of the Treble Clef note identification

-interval review but no options are given

-enharmonic note review, but specific directions are given to draw the following note

-time signature and note value in 4/4 and 6/8 time

-identification of 1 octave arpeggios

-review of C, G and F Major scales but D Major is an addition. Students may be required to draw sharps and flats to complete the blank staff for the given scale.


Level 6: Based on 3B

-review from previous tests

-drawing triads in root, 1st and 2nd inversions

-identification and drawing A, E and D Minor(Natural and Harmonic Minor)

-fill in the blank questions for what does this symbol mean?

-identification of Major and Minor 3rds with the proper labeling

-counting review but 16th notes will be added to the mix

-naming triads such as CM, GM, Am, Em, etc…

-drawing octaves and inversions on the staff

-review of inversions but asked in fill in the blank type of questions


Level 7: Based on Level 4

-review from previous tests

-drawing 2 octave scales in  the given keys CM, GM, FM, DM, AM and EM, Am, Em and Dm

-counting review but dotted eighth notes to sixteenth patterns are included

-identification of Sharp Key Signatures

-writing the orders of Sharps

-review of inversions but with addition of the new key signatures listen above(Key will be given)

-review of vocab words and additions of Level 7 vocab such as Gigue, Molto, Loco, Grace Notes, Trill, Poco a Poco, sequence and motive

-counting of 16th notes in 3/8 and 6/8 time



Level 8: Based on Level 5

-review from previous tests such as counting, note identification, draw, etc…

identifying Cadence Progression(labeling in Chords)

Review of intervals, but perfect intervals will be added(proper labeling)

Filling in the Circle of 5ths

Review of Sharp Key Signatures

Two octave arpeggios identification in a musical example

Writing in the order of flats

Identification Flat Key Signatures

Drawing Two-Octave Flat Scales

Identification of 3 Forms of Minor Scales

Writing in the counting in musical examples for changing time signatures

Brief introduction to Relative and Parallel Major and Minor Keys


Level 9: Based on Post PA 5+,

such examples are Fundamental of Piano Level 4+ and Theory Time. Teachers are at their own discretion for what curriculum they intend to use at this point.


-scale tone identification

-draw intervals based on the key given

composition analysis based on musical examples such as Sonatina’s

Drawing and Identification of 7th chords based on the given key

-review from previous tests




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